The Bad Girls Club is an Oxygen Network reality show, which featured in December 2006. The series follows seven women who have a number of mental health, anger, personal and psychological issues. Considered "Bad Girls" they live together in a house in four months, while they were filming.
The camera recorded their relationships and even their attempts to carry out specific targets.
The series was created by Johnathon Murray and produced by Bunim / Murray Productions, is the highest rating shows on the Oxygen Network.
Although the show has set targets for the girls, most of them perceive the target mainly girls getting drunk and having sex.
A housemate Nikki Carlisle aka Cordelia from an upper class area of Connecticut. Her biography on the show said she wants to become a lawyer and stripping to pay for their education. But it also emerged that Carlisle also had sex on camera in porn style movies.
In the movie "Sex Tour USA" you can not call his role, just a stripper.
She was 22 at the time of recording, and was proud of his rebellious nature of partying and boys. She said she was not very popular in high school, and when her parents divorced was the catalyst for her lead a wild lifestyle and come in with a fast crowd.
Season four is set to premiere in December 2009
The camera recorded their relationships and even their attempts to carry out specific targets.
The series was created by Johnathon Murray and produced by Bunim / Murray Productions, is the highest rating shows on the Oxygen Network.
Although the show has set targets for the girls, most of them perceive the target mainly girls getting drunk and having sex.
A housemate Nikki Carlisle aka Cordelia from an upper class area of Connecticut. Her biography on the show said she wants to become a lawyer and stripping to pay for their education. But it also emerged that Carlisle also had sex on camera in porn style movies.
In the movie "Sex Tour USA" you can not call his role, just a stripper.
She was 22 at the time of recording, and was proud of his rebellious nature of partying and boys. She said she was not very popular in high school, and when her parents divorced was the catalyst for her lead a wild lifestyle and come in with a fast crowd.
Season four is set to premiere in December 2009
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