Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Robbie Williams proposed to girlfriend on the Radio

In a radio show Sydney (Australia), British pop star Robbie Williams (35) applied his girlfriend, American actress Ayda Field (30). The fans in an uproar was made.

Williams - who was visiting Australia in order to promote about himself back into the music industry after a rehab for addiction to drugs - say the words propose to Field. The proposal submitted by Williams on Friday (27/11) morning Sydney time, when she and Field were aired in a radio show there is guided by Jackie O.

"There's someone you want to marry?" says Jackie O. Williams laughed. "It was so embarrassing," said Field.

"Will you marry me?" Williams asked.
"Yes, I'll marry you," before joking Field responded by asking where his ring.

Williams then borrowed a ring from the Jackie O and wrapped the finger as he repeats propose to Field. "Ayda Field, I love you so much. Will you be my companion until the end of time?"

Williams's many fans who called the radio station and gave his congratulations. The official site was filled with questions about the pending marriage. Just so you know, Field Williams was pregnant with a baby.

However, a spokesman for Williams who is based in London (UK) argued that Williams was serious when it was. "He was saying, but just a joke. They're not engaged," said the spokesman, according to ABC.

Meanwhile, Williams's mother, Jan, said that a week ago that his son had planned to apply the Field, which was almost three years of dating him, to marry him. "He (Williams) want to do something different and he (Field) was a sweet girl and I really feel happy for them," said a television station in January told the BBC. "I always wanted a daughter," he added.

January said also, that his son had bought a ring. Added, their marriage will not last much longer.

In these radio broadcasts, Field said that he knew Williams through his friends and they set a date "blind" to the Field and Williams. Continue Field, he immediately felt the love when it was, but Williams is less certain. "Actually, I do not like you (when it). During the first 20 minutes, I thought, 'Who is this mentalis?'," Said Williams. "I just want to finish the meeting (with Field) and go home. But, then, I'd fallen in love," she said again.

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